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Version: 0.14.1

klutch Stack

Create a local Klutch Control Plane Cluster using Kind, including the a8s stack. Deploy an App Cluster and bind resources to the Control Plane Cluster. This will allow you to use a8s resource instances such as postgresql on the App Cluster, which will run on the Control Plane Cluster.


Installing the kubectl-bind plugin:

Download a binary for your platform with the following URL, make it executable and place it in a location in your PATH:$OS-$ARCH/kubectl-bind

Replace OS and ARCH with values for your platform, e.g. darwin-arm64 or linux-amd64. You can also use the following script to achieve this:

OS=$(go env GOOS); ARCH=$(go env GOARCH); curl -fsSL -o kubectl-bind$RELEASE/$OS-$ARCH/kubectl-bind

sudo chmod 755 kubectl-bind
sudo mv kubectl-bind /usr/local/bin

Running on Linux

To avoid issues with Kind on Linux, increase the inotify resource limits as described here.


1. deploy


a9s klutch deploy [options]


-y, --yesSkip confirmation promptsa9s klutch deploy --yes
--portThe port to expose the Control Plane Cluster on. Defaults to 8080.a9s klutch deploy --port 8080


This command deploys a Kind cluster named klutch-control-plane and installs the required components for Klutch. These components include:

  • The klutch-bind backend and Dex Idp as a dummy OICD provider.
  • Crossplane and the anynines configuration packages.
  • The complete a8s stack including Postgresql operator, backup, restore and service binding capabilities.

In addition to the Control Plane Cluster, an App Cluster named klutch-app is deployed. This cluster can be used for the a9s klutch bind command to bind resources to the Control Plane Cluster.

The Control Plane Cluster exports the following resources for binding:


Important: For technical reasons, the Control Plane Cluster is exposed on the local network using the local IP address. If your IP or network changes, the Control Plane Cluster may become unreachable and will have to be redeployed.

2. bind


a9s klutch bind [options]


-y, --yesSkip confirmation promptsa9s klutch bind --yes


This command will invoke kubectl bind in order to bind a resource exported by the Control Plane Cluster. This process will open a browser window for you where you can authenticate with the dummy dex OIDC provider using these credentials:


Password: password

After logging in, grant access, and then choose the resource you would like to bind. Once this is done, return to your terminal and wait for the process to finish.

After the bind command has succeeded, you can deploy instances of the chosen resource on your App Cluster, which will run in the Control Plane Cluster. The command will print an example manifest for the resource you bound that you can apply to the App Cluster with kubectl. You can do this easily by copying the printed yaml and using a heredoc, like so:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
<paste your manifests>

3. delete


a9s klutch delete [options]


-y, --yesSkip confirmation promptsa9s klutch delete --yes


This command deletes the Control Plane and App clusters.